

青年海外協力隊に行っていた弟の帰国( My brother came back to Japan from Bangladesh)

My younger brother came back to Japan from Bangladesh. He left 2 years and of course I and my parents didn't meet him 2 years.

I come back Japan once in a 8 month. My brother came in 2 years, plan to go graduated school in Thailand next year and study English in Philippines soon.
I plan to leave Japan at the beginning of November so our family stays in my house together only 1month.

When I told my guests on the ship about me and his situation, they ask me that your parents don't worry about their children.
I understand their feeling definitely.

But my name is Jun and his name is Ken.
Why my parents gave us such a name is because they hope we work abroad and when we work overseas actually, these name is easy to be called from foreigners.

So my mother told me that I am happy because you work abroad and our dreams comes true.
When I hear this message from her, I really appreciate that I was born from really really nice parents.

I think that I will invite my parents during next contract seriously. Just do it.