

船という環境の幸せ happiness to the environment to treat the patients on the ship


*English is after Japanese








I think it's one of the best environments for me to treat the patients on the ship.

I have food and place to sleep, I don't need to cook( I'm tired to eat same foods everyday...), I need 2 minutes to go work place( it's in the ship), furthermore I could get house keeping twice a week.

My first contract is middle class( but guests are 3 thousands) and there are many crews, too. So I played a lot at night,

But now since I start not to stick the needle for treatment, I enjoy the treatment more than before, I think I study as much as possible.

And small ship has nice place to concentrate on something because it has only a few leisure to enjoy the ship life.

It pass less than one month. But I contribute to feedback why patients have problem, I treat them and what should I do next( or what should I did before).

I really appreciate this environment because I don't need to be bothered a lot of daily matters.

For myself and to be able to say what I did is for someone(=I produced the results), I'll refresh my mind an do my best every day.