養子文化の日本と北米の違い cultural difference to adapt children between Japan and North America
*English is after Japanese
Some North American guest have adapted child.
Some of them adapted kids from not their countries but for example Ukraine that was war and many kids had damage mentally and physically.
Furthermore, they accepted kids not
because they couldn't make child but they have had kid already and then they decided to accept.
I listened the story from my patients when I treated them.
As I imagined, it is really really hard to be moved to another country after getting trauma in childhood without knowing anything, no one and be grown from someone whom they don't know at all.
For example, they disappear from their parents and lost connection at all, addict to alcohol or sex and parents give up to grow them up for such a situation etc.
(At least in my image) from the way of Japanese thinking, to be honest, their way of thinking is difficult to understand for me that they decide to adapt the kids even if they hear such a thing.
In a guest's case, when she lived in Vietnam for husbands job, she saw the reality of children who were injured by Vietnam war and they decided to adapt kids from Vietnam.( they actually faced many problems for example he abruptly disappear from their house etc.)
The way of thinking to the donation is different between Japanese and north American.
To adapt the kids or to grow children would be also different between us and them.
I felt the way of thinking throughout these experience.