

患者の層と客船での治療その2 the layer of patients and treatment on the ship no.2

*English is after Japanese






On the other hand, the ship change all guests each embarkation day, it's different from the way to be busy on land.

It means we don't have word of mouth basically.( my contract is 7 months. So I had a few times that a guest come to see me because his friend receive my treatment it was good)

But so on the ship, I have to produce the results in short term like seven days. I have to face myself each time to make patients be satisfied. It's very exciting.

Due to the experience that I work on the ship, I could be realistic to the results. And I learn not to expect .

I can't hit target and couldn't get enough salary many times but I think it was right choice for me to work in this environment.

Here is the really nice environment to get experience before opening my clinic.